Artwork Specifications
Imprints are added to pre-constructed bags so folds, gussets, or other restrictions may impact the available imprint area or ability to print. In addition, a multicolor design may require the bag to pass through the press an additional time for each color, depending on the print process. BAG MAKERS requires a minimum space between each ink color to accommodate unavoidable bag movement and color shifting that occurs during production. COLORVISTA, Chromatic, Digital Full Color, Sparkle, and Sublimation are not subject to this space requirement. Please call for spacing requirements for orders using multiple print processes. Color tints/shades/tones may fluctuate up to 5% within a print run or reorder.
Custom Imprint Colors
- Screen Print—Call for availability and pricing.
- Flexo Ink Print—$62.50 (G) per color. PMS color matching available on white bags only.
- Not Available for the following processes: COLORVISTA, Brilliance, Digital Full Color, Direct Print, Dynamic Color, Chromatic, Foil Print, Marquee, Sparkle, and Sublimation.
Standard Imprinting Colors
Please see the imprint color charts for information on available colors.
PANTONE® GUIDE BOOKS—Choosing the Right Imprint Color*
Choosing the Right Imprint Color*
Flexo Ink Print on Plastic Bags—Use the Pantone PLUS Formula Guide-Solid Coated to choose colors.
Flexo Ink Print on Uncoated and Kraft Paper Bags—Use the Pantone PLUS Formula Guide-Solid Uncoated to choose colors.
Sublimation, Digital Full Color, Direct Print,Dynamic Color, and COLORVISTA Imprinting—use the Pantone PLUS CMYK Guide or Pantone PLUS Color Bridge Guide-Coated to choose colors.
*Color tints/shades/tones may fluctuate up to 5% within a print run or reorder. PMS color match is only available on white bags imprinted with Flexo Ink Print.
We invite you to submit a copy of your artwork to We can review your design—generally within 24 hours—and make recommendations for achieving the best possible imprint.
Electronic Platform
We are Macintosh OS X based.
Fonts in all files (Mac or PC) should be converted to outlines, paths, or curves.
Art Programs,Formats, and Multicolor Imprinting
Please view the imprint page for detailed requirements. Files created in other programs or formats not listed on the art specifications pages may not be usable or may incur additional art charges for conversion. Please refer to the art charges page for more details.
Art Placement and Sizing
Unless otherwise specified on your purchase order, all artwork will be sized to the maximum imprint dimensions and centered in the product's standard imprint area. Due to product construction, this may not be the exact center of the bag. Bag imprint templates are available for download on the individual product's page.
Artwork Submission

Please submit purchase order and art files together in the same email to Include your P.O. number and company name in the email subject line. Please include a PDF or JPEG copy (proof) of your design so we can confirm the integrity of your electronic submission. We suggest that you compress (zip or stuff) your file or folder for transmission efficiency and protection from corruption.

File Sharing
You may also use a free file-sharing site such as or Please enter as the recipient's email and provide your name, company name, contact information, and P.O. number in the message field. This will help us match your artwork to your order.
Art and General Art Proof Charges
- Email Proof—Free. May take up to 48 business hours from receipt of required artwork and complete purchase order.
- Creative Artwork Services—$60.00 (G) per hour. First hour is free.
These rates do not apply to virtual proofs or Design Centre orders.
Copyright & Registered Trademarks
BAG MAKERS is unable to typeset, modify, or alter logos or artwork with a registered trademark or service mark. Modifications may violate or infringe on the owner's rights or brand guidelines. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Removing or adding service marks (®, ™, ℠, ©)
- Adjusting line thickness
- Changing font styles
- Modifying colors, size, spacing, or clear space surrounding the logo.
Any alterations needed to artwork that contains a copyright or registered trademark should be provided by the company that owns the rights to the artwork.
Font and Line Size

QR Codes
If our imprint includes a QR Code, please follow these basic guidelines to ensure optimum code functionality.
Brilliance, Marquee, Screen Print, Sparkle—Not available.
Chromatic, COLORVista, Digital Full Color, Dynamic Color, Direct Print, or Sublimation—1.5" square minimum size. A white background and border space must surround the code in order to create a clean, unobstructed scannable code.
Foil Print—1.5"square minimum size. For best results, the bag color should be white or frosted only. High contrast, dark imprint color is recommended. Due to the bag texture, Matte Shoppers are not available for QR codes.
Flexo Ink Print—1.5" square minimum size. For best results, the bag color should be limited to white only. Not available on hi-density bags.